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                          1 LEGAL NOTICE

 The FrontDoor 2.02 Noncommercial software and information attached
 hereto, hereafter referred to as FrontDoor, is protected by
 applicable copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
 FrontDoor is provided as is, without warranty of any kind or fitness
 for a particular purpose, either expressed or implied, all of are
 hereby explicitly disclaimed. Advanced Engineering sarl only
 guarantees that FrontDoor will occupy disk space.

 In no event shall Advanced Engineering sarl be liable to you or
 anyone else for any damages or costs, including, but not limited to,
 any lost profits, lost savings, lost income, lost information, loss
 of the right to use FrontDoor, or other incidental or consequential
 damages arising out of the use or inability to use FrontDoor.

 Additional statements by agents, employees, distributors, and dealers
 of Advanced Engineering sarl do not constitute warranties by Advanced
 Engineering sarl and do not bind Advanced Engineering sarl.

 FrontDoor is not public domain, shareware, or freeware; nor does it
 stop working after a certain amount of time. FrontDoor is simply free
 of charge for individual hobby use by persons holding or aspiring to
 obtain a network address (including point addresses) in one or more
 of the amateur data communications networks throughout the world. It
 is not allowed to use FrontDoor within a commercial environment (ie.
 business, governmental organization, association, school, foundation,
 or any other form of juridical person) without prior written
 permission from Advanced Engineering sarl.

 FrontDoor can only be used by physical persons (as opposed to
 juridical persons), and installed on a computer which is personal
 property. Exception to the rule of personal ownership of the
 computer: before the year 1995, individual hobby use (as described
 above) of FrontDoor can be carried on a computer owned by business or
 state agency if the installation is located and remains in one of the
 following countries: Albania, Angola, Bulgaria, China, Cuba,
 Czeckoslovakia, Estonia, Ethiopia, Hungary, Latvia, Laos, Lithuania,
 North Korea, Poland, Rumania, the Soviet Union, Sudan, Tanzania,
 Vietnam, Yugoslavia, or former republic, province or member state of
 one of these countries which has turned independent.

 Information on how to obtain the commercial version of FrontDoor is
 included in a separate section of this document.

 You may freely distribute and copy FrontDoor provided no fee is
 charged and the FrontDoor archive contains unmodified copies of the
 original files as produced by Advanced Engineering sarl or Joaquim H.
 Homrighausen. No part of FrontDoor may be modified, altered, reverse
 engineered, sold, or distributed in any form which would involve some
 sort of trade without prior written permission from Advanced
 Engineering sarl.

 All Advanced Engineering sarl and Joaquim H. Homrighausen products
 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Engineering sarl
 or Joaquim H. Homrighausen. Other brand and product names are
 trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


  Copyright 1986-1991 Advanced Engineering sarl. All rights reserved.

           Documentation and Software written and designed by
                        Joaquim H. Homrighausen.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson